Saturday 13 July 2013

Short Post : Nostalgic

13/07/2013 – Saturday
     It feels so nostalgic chatting with her once again. No voice and no face to face encounter but just simple words and sentences shared through the phone. I can’t believe, I’ve gotten over the girl I once loved madly without noticing.

     The days when I long to be with her, the days I’ve gone through certain lengths to get to her and the days I cried when I was away from her… They all became nothing but memories to me right now. Those intense feelings I had for 2 years have disappeared without a trace or rather…it just neutralized into something mutual known as ‘friendship’.

Maybe my friend was right, she told me “The only way to get over someone is to fall for another”. In the process of getting over her, I did ‘fall’ for another… One year passed, so many things have changed and so many events have occurred. My intense feelings for her are gone because of someone new whom I gave my heart to. Although, my intense feelings for that someone new is too, fading away…becoming the same to how I feel towards her…   

How funny, how nostalgic… 

Will this be an unending cycle for me? 

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Bittersweet Memories

02/07/2013 – Tuesday
     How many years has it been since we had a friendly conversation by the table in the Prefect room about your house’s address?
     Do you remember when you sprayed water at me with a water gun behind/beside the school’s stage during Kem Ketua Kelas? I wasn’t being emo then, I just didn’t want to look like a fool in front of you. After all, I’ve always been a fool, even till now. I wanted to play with you, splash you back and mess with your hair but I didn't. So I just ended up sitting there staring at you as you spray spray, waiting for reaction. 

     I miss the days when we texted day and night. You was on holiday waiting for your next phase of life while I’ve just started my high school life. I miss Skyping with you till late night, miss the days you comfort and accompany me when I was facing dengue fever. I treasure the days when you share your stories with me, it made me feel like I’m part of your life and you trust me.  I know it’s ridiculous, I know it sounds childish and I know it’s deserved to get a ‘so?’ for a reply but I miss everything about you. Won’t you please at least clear my confusions of your silent absence?    
The silly things I do~

     My sweetest memory with you was on 10/06/2012. It was our first time going out together. Ice skating, archery, had the miserable plate of pasta and watch Snow White and the Huntsman together. I remember, parts and partial of it but sadly not in detailed. In the bus, I was left speechless because looking at you, recalled the bitter memories of my regret. The saddest memory for that day was when you went home without even glancing back once. I stood there waiting for you to enter the house before leaving.  

     Where did you go? What does it mean? Did I unintentionally break a promise? Why? Please answer me and not brush me off like a stranger.

I’m lost.
It’s cold.

 I forgot to ask…

Li Hung…how are you? J