Tuesday 18 December 2012

This Is My Life

First of all, I do not own any of the songs above.
Okay that's done.

Anyways, this is my holiday's for fun project.
I was too bored and decided to do something, so this project was a way to kill my boredom.
It took me days of work.
Writing out the script, travelling from place to place, taking the video, editing and publishing me.
Editing was seriously a pain the neck because the Windows Movie Maker keeps crashing before I even have the chance to save my work, causing me to keep repeating my work.
It was fun as this is my very first time producing my own video.
Self-Production, I everything by myself as nobody support me.

The girl actress is my senior. She is the only person who helped me with my video. Before this, Shu Yen(classmate, blogger and friend) also agreed to help me. Thanks. ;)
Originally, my senior was the girl I had in mind for my video but she is always busy so I didn't asked her first.

So anyways....
Anyone with any questions or comments, please go to Youtube and comment below. :D
Do like and share if possible.
Hopefully, there are no negative opinions. xD


  1. Can't hear the part where you speak in the beginning and at the end.

    The flame at the end is cool but kind of dark and suicidal? Something like self-inflicting pain?

    1. ah...sorry about that. Must be the microphone problem. :3 Well, actually.. no that wasn't the meaning of the flame. The flame was supposed to represent like an evil side of me awaken. The side which is asleep in darkness suddenly comes alive. :3
