Saturday 31 August 2013


31/08/2013 – Saturday

     Honestly, I think I could have died if I wasn’t careful in my most recent accident but I didn’t. I am quite lucky too. I didn’t sustain any serious nor permanent injuries as everything will heal back to normal. It is a little inconvenient though. My left shoulder is somewhat busted for a month from now. I can’t drive, I can’t ride and it’s a little bit more difficult for me to carry out my daily activities. The cast I have slinging by my shoulder is also a burden, it restricts my arm, it’s so damn obvious and I can’t wait to get it off me.

     “Why has this happened to me?” I really don’t know but I’m sure it’s God’s plan. He has His reasons and I’m trying to find out what it is. I am disabled for a month and I can’t do anything excessive for the next 3 months. I’m restrained from my active lifestyle. I was shattered and my pride was in vain. For the few days in the hospital, I felt like I’ve lost a part of me.

     When I had to go for school so I could sit for my exams, I can feel the stares of others. I could only shut my heart from the shame I bear. I survived an accident but yet I was standing there with all of them. I have an excuse not to go but I chose to go because I too want to fight alongside with my fellow friends in exam. I was given a chance to grow, I didn’t sustain any permanent injuries and that means I am just taking a break to learn from my mistakes. I can still get back what is mine and I can still fight for my dreams without limits.

     This experience, this accident…it taught me something. I may be weak but I still need to keep moving on. Weakness is not meant to be an excuse, it’s meant to be a strength. I am broken and beaten down but that doesn’t mean I don’t have to keep moving forward. If I stop now because of what little excuse I have, when will I ever achieve my dreams? 

1 comment:

  1. Bro, do well in your exams...

    * I have a request, can you unblock me in Facebook ?? Because I don't like to be blocked. Makes me feel guilty. Besides now I got no time for facebook because I'm too busy for college. Cheers !!
