Me holding a shield provided.

Me standing innocently judging the game.
This actually happened to me. =_=
Hm.... i guess i was accepted to work part-time at Dome Paintball.
Started my very first job at 26/05/2012 in the most unexpected company!!! job consists of cleaning up the equipments and arenas.
I'm called the marshal also known as the referee.
I give briefing and explanation to the players before they enter the game.
Then after that, i give further instructions before the game starts in the arena.
During the game, i have to judge the game so it will be fair and help the players out when their 'marker' (the paintball gun) is having a malfunction.
After the games....have to clean up the equipments again and prepare for the next batch of customers.
Conclusion for my job,
before the game,
during the game,
after the game,
last but not least,
getting shot by the players.
I met many people in just two days as customers comes in batches sometimes up to 20 customers per batch.
So far....Saturday i had about 12 batches and today there is about 11 batches.
Some come with family, some come with friends and others come with their double-date couples. =_=
Well the job is quite tiring if your not used to getting shot, constantly shouting for commands, clean up and sorts.
But i'll eventually get used to it.
My co-workers their all normal, as in able to work with.
I don't see any of them being lazy or anything.
The only problem is.....all of them including the managers and boss SMOKES.
I seriously hate smokes from cigarettes..... (endure....endure....endure...)
Oh yeah.... i don't get to play with the marker.... just get to hold them to give instructions to the customers... :/
I only get to hold a shield....which came in seriously useful these 2 days...
The shields protected me from many shots of paintball!!!
I have to wash the shields several times as their all covered with paint!!!
Imagine if i didn't had the shield and took all those shots.....
Oh well....i'll tell any more interesting stories if i have!!!
Chao!!! :D
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