Monday 20 August 2012

A Good yet Bad day~

Today was supposed to be a great day yet it turned out horrible in the end.
I took a day off from my work to go on a trip with my family and relatives.
They planned to go Forest Research Institute Malaysia for jogging & jungle trekking.
It was fun, climbing on rocky terrains and stuff~
We got to play at a waterfall, i climbed to the point where there it is fenced >_<

 The Waterfall area in Sepia color.

 Near the fenced. (Took some effort to climb here)

Teddie at that area! 

Well anyways, after everything is done.
Went to cousin's house to bath before heading off again to Low Yat (IT mall in Kuala Lumpur)
Reason for going there : Buying ANOTHER new laptop for the eldest BITCH in my family.

We went for lunch first at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng.
My drink in 3 different colors : Sepia

Black and White

Originial colour~ :P (Btw, this drink is called 'Gentleman')

Cheese Baked Rice  

Apparently her old one was spoiled somehow and naturally the father would buy his favourite daughter a new one~
The last time who bought a new laptop in our family was her and once again it is her again.
I didn't need a new one since my old one is working a bit retarded though it's still working~


I finally ended up buying PS VITA!!!
Saved my salary for months(blood and sweat) to buy this~

3 hours later when we met up with my sister and cousin, she still hasn't even decided which laptop to buy...
Though in the car she already said she had one in mind already...(What happened to that?!)
Nevermind, fair enough i'm still patient enough since i got my PS Vita in hand already.

Who would have thought that she bought a different brand laptop.
Guess what? It's not compatible with Windows 7!!!
We waited about 3 more hours just for those idiots to figure out that the laptop my PARENTS bought is not able to install Windows 7!!! 

It was getting late, i haven't had my dinner, i got work tomorrow, my dog is hungry at home, i'm tired and i just want to be at home.

I got so impatient and blasted a whole bunch of realistic comments at my mom.
Woohoo, she replied me to get a LRT and go home myself.
Makes sense doesn't it?
She wouldn't let her 21 year old daughter go take a train home while she's suggesting that her 16 year old son to go back himself?
What's more, a laptop that hasn't even been brought is somewhat already broken....
Is it my fault for blaming the BITCH that she should have gone with her first choice?
It it my fault for blaming the BITCH who should have chosen a laptop EARLIER in the first place?

Maybe or maybe not? You decide.

My mom said to me "Do you want to upset the whole family just because your upset?"

Well guess that means, whatever pain and anger you have... keep it to yourself.
Don't share it with others so we can be happy.

It sounds to me like 'you should go ahead and die if you want while we keep living'. 
How sweet, right? :)
I learned that families aren't supposed to share their emotions and thoughts openly.
So we should always keep it to ourselves and suffer alone. 
Families are supposed to practice 'favouritism' and side with the one they prefer.

Why can't they, once in THEIR life they actually listen to me instead? 
At least consider everything that i'm saying are just facts and i'm just being realistic!
It maybe a little insulting but the TRUTH is always a screwed up thing!

My realistic thoughts are just rubbish against their owh so sweet ELDEST daughter.
Every time i will be wrong, every time i will be taken for granted and every time i will be ignored.

Once again i will say this, i can't wait to grow old, earn my own money, get my own life and be gone from this screwed up of a community called 'family'. 

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